Crime Time: With Virginia Defense Attorneys

Episode 92: Civil Commitment in Virginia

Season 3 Episode 92

Mental Health is an important topic and anyone at any given time could experience difficulties with this type of illness.  Sometimes mental health illnesses are apparent and sometimes not so much.  In this episode, we welcome attorney Bob Walker onto the show as our guest.  He is experienced and knowledgeable about mental health civil commitment hearings and he educates us and our listeners about these types of hearings.  Bob has not only practiced law in this area advocating for rights of clients experiencing mental health illnesses as well as advocating for family or those trying to get someone help, but he also presides over these hearings as a  special justice for civil commitment hearings.  There is always a need for attorneys to volunteer at these hearings so reach out to Bob if you are interested!


If you are listening to this podcast, thank you!  We sincerely hope you are listening to this podcast for its entertainment value and not with the intention of acquiring legal advice for any individual case or situation.  I mean, come on! You wouldn’t take advice from someone you have never met or spoken to directly, right?   If you were bleeding profusely, you wouldn’t listen to a podcast in hopes of a bandage somehow materializing over the internet and onto your 3D printer.  Seeking actual legal advice can be just as important as a tourniquet.  The hosts of this podcast are in no way intending to create an attorney-client relationship with any listener.  Sorry.  We are sure you all are great people but we cannot stress enough how little we know of you and your case and rather than risk an awkward moment, let us just remember we have never met.  Nothing on this platform be taken as legal advice for any individual case or situation!  We are just a group of friends with differing opinions and viewpoints which we will try to explore through discussions of current events, law changes, and whatever else floats our fancy.  

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